Register Interest

Zulkiflee Umar

Zulkiflee Umar

Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Energy Commission Malaysia'

Ir. Ts. Zulkiflee Umar, Deputy Director of Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Department of Industry Operation, Energy Commission Malaysia. Begin his career with Energy Commission Malaysia in 2005 in the Legal Department performing enforcement tasks under the Electricity Supply Act 1990 and Gas Supply Act 1993. Shift to the Department of Gas Development and Regulation of Energy Commission Malaysia in 2008 performing tasks related to the safety of gas installations. Appointed as the Head of Demand Side Management Unit in 2012 now known as Energy Efficiency & Conservation Unit performing the following duties and responsibilities:

1) Enforcement and promotion of the Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations (EMEER) 2008.
2) Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) Requirements for domestic and industrial appliances.
3) Registration of Registered Electrical Energy Manager (REEM) and Energy Service Companies (ESCO)
4) Promotion of Energy Audit and Retrofit and Energy Performance Contracting (EPC).
5) National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (2016-2025).
6) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2023.
7) Energy Efficiency and Conservation activities in Malaysia.

Academic Achievement
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons.), University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia


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