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Zainal Arifin

Zainal Arifin

Executive Vice President of Renewable Energy, PT. PLN (Persero)

Dr Zainal Arifin is Head of Certification Centre, PT PLN, Indonesia. He is also President Commissioner PT Indonesia Tenaga Hijau, a PLN Group (since 2020) focusing on Renewable Energy business. Recently he is Chairman of PLN Smart Grid implementation (from 2016) and Team leader of Electric Vehicle infrastructure development in PLN (from 2013).'

Dr Zainal delivers some lectures at Power and Renewable Energy Department of Institut Teknologi PLN, and System Engineering Graduate program of Universitas Indonesia. He received a BSc (Sarjana Teknik) in Mechanical Engineering from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Indonesia. He earned his MBA in Operation Management from University of Missouri ' St Louis (UMSL), USA, and a PhD in Strategic Management from Universitas Indonesia focusing on Corporate Technology Strategic Policy. Zainal is a Senior member of IEEE, Board Member of Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF), Indonesia Electricity Power Society (IEPS/MKI), Indonesia Renewable Energy Association (METI), The Institution of Engineers Indonesia ' Electrical Section (BKE PII), and Indonesia Strategic Management Society (ISMS). He is also member of IEEE Technology and Management Society (IEEE TEMS) and International Electricity Research Exchange (IERE).

Dr Zainal was invited to deliver speech at some conferences in Singapore, Korea, Philippine, Japan, Vietnam etc. He also presented paper at some international seminar in Malaysia, China, Japan, Korea, USA etc. His writing about energy, technology and innovation management is published at some newspaper, magazines, and book. His writing can be free downloaded at: or


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