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Ts. Muhammad Zakwan bin Ab Mutalib
Team Leader (Data Management), GIS Distribution Project,
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
Zakwan is an Engineer at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and has been with the company for 8 years. He has extensive experience in data acquisition, analysis, data management, and GIS projects. Currently, he is responsible for GIS data management. He is actively involved in analysis multiple data sources in TNB to ensure reliable and integrity of data been mapped in GIS solution.'
Over the past two years, Zakwan has fronted the data governance in Distribution Network through Data Maturity Management Activities (DMMA).'
08-Oct-2024KNOWLEDGE HUB 3, LEVEL 2, HALL 7Presentation: Enhancing Energy Transition Through Agile GIS Network Modelling
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