Parulian Daniel Marsongkal Sidabutar

Parulian Daniel Marsongkal Sidabutar

Technician of Live Line Maintenance, PT PLN (Persero)

Parulian has been working at PLN for 12 years as a Technician of Live Line Maintenance at Transmission Unit of West Java Regional (PLN UIT JBB). A lot of valuable experience has been acquired in an effort to make the best contribution to the company. Among them were international events such as the 17th Joint Maintenance Cooperation Committee Meeting (JMCC) in Jakarta in 2016, and Enlit Asia - Power and Energy Conference and Exhibition in 2023 in Tangerang.

At the national level, he managed to win the award as the first champion of innovation in the transmission category at the XXVI PLN Selection of Innovation Awards in 2023.'


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