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Allen Wang
Senior Director, Gas, Power and Climate Solutions,
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Dr Allen Wang is the research leader of Asia Pacific Regional Integrated service. He is a highly experienced energy market expert with 15 years of experience in power and renewable markets in various countries. He is also responsible for providing consulting advisory to commercial clients in energy market planning, regulation, operation, and policies. Dr Wang is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Energy. He holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, and a Ph.D. from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia.'
08-Oct-2024SUMMIT STREAM 2, LEVEL 1A, NOVEL 2Transforming Energy with Renewables: Chair's Opening Remarks
08-Oct-2024SUMMIT STREAM 2, LEVEL 1A, NOVEL 2Panel Discussion: A Multidimensional Energy Transition - How ASEAN Is Leveraging on RE to Achieve Its Net Zero Vision
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