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Taprogge GmbH

Stand: K11
  • Generation
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Technology Supplier (Hardware)

TAPROGGE is a world-leading specialist and an early pioneer of cleantech solutions.

Since 1953, TAPROGGE has been a leading innovator of trailblazing solutions that improve energy efficiency in thermal water circuits in the energy industry. The Company also produce highly effective solutions for desalination and cooling processes, and other industrial applications. TAPROGGEs proprietary process engineering solutions help to deliver remarkably high primary global energy savings.

Today the company offers to the market comprehensive solution with benefits optimized to suit the specific project. TAPROGGE offer its customers comprehensive support :

IN-TA-CT® (Integrated TAPROGGE CONCEPT) provides competent assistance for the planning and purchase of TAPROGGE systems.

IN-TA-S® (Integrated TAPROGGE Services) provides operators with reliable and comprehensive support throughout the entire life of the system. The service concept extends the installation, operation, maintenance, concurrent optimisation and monitoring, through to comprehensive system overhauls and upgrades that will extend the service life of the IN-TA-CT® modules.

KLAREN Technology, a competence brand of TAPROGGE, offers continuous cleaning solutions for either new or existing heat exchangers . A fluidized bed of solid particles is used at the tube side of the self-cleaning heat exchangers ( to create a scouring effect) where the fouling liquid flows through that removes the developing fouling layer. This technology can be applied in many industries, including chemicals and can help to achieve up to zero-fouling operations in the heater, cooler and reboiler systems.

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