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Beijing Power Equipment Group Co.,Ltd
- Grid Infrastructures - Electricity
- Generation
- Power Generation Operator and/or Developer
Beling Power Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (BPEG) was founded in 1952, and was formerly the largest repairing and manufacturingcompany in the electric power system. t is now subsidiary to China Energy Engineering Group Equipment Co., Ltd. The headquarter olBPEG is located in Liangxiang, Fangshan District, Being, and its subsidiaries are located in Beiing, Hebei and Xinjiang.
BPEG focuses on large-scale power station auxliary equipment, extra-high voltage grid equipment, turnkey services, spare partsand maintenance services. lt has formed a product pattern of "power generation, power grid, metalurgy, building materials and chemi-cal industry" and a number of maior technical eauioment oroducts with independent intelectual properly riahts, BpEG has the abiily todeveloo, manutaclure and maintain auxliarv eouioment or are-scale nuclear oower, hermal power. hvdronower. wind nower andother power staions, eauipment for extra-high-voltage power crids and conventional power arids, arinding and pulverizing equipmentfor metalurgy, building materials, coal and chemical industries, and pulverized coal drying equipment and electronic control equipment.The product sales and service spread all over the domestic provinces, municipaliies, autonomous regions and administrative specialzones, and more than 90 countries and regions in the world.